Wednesday, September 28, 2005


studio no 2, originally uploaded by inthelight7.

our new Mackie dxb 200 console looking all pretty... I've been spending a lot of time there lately, mixing a hip hop album with an artist named Steadfast. It's pretty interesting stuff... I actually can see why people like stuff like 50 cent and Eminem... Dr. Dre has production value out the roof... "What's the Difference" is fast becoming my favourite track... it's so catchy... parental advisory / explicit warning label notwithstanding, if you ignore that stuff, the track is infectious

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

on my way

on my way, originally uploaded by inthelight7.

last in a series of drive by shootings

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Let me out!

Let me out!, originally uploaded by inthelight7.

my daughter likes to build 'castles' with blocks, and the little animals get to go inside. In this image, it seems we have an overcrowding problem... i think the lion wants out.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

fringe thoughts

fringe thoughts, originally uploaded by inthelight7.

breakthrough to the sky beyond
is life but a dream?

Friday, September 09, 2005

portrait no 2

portrait no 2, originally uploaded by inthelight7.

my cutie. i think this is a case where out of focus doesn't hurt the picture.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


背骨のクラッカー, originally uploaded by inthelight7.

spinal cracker

Thursday, September 01, 2005


peekaboo!, originally uploaded by inthelight7.

shadows and depth of field... i kept her face in shadow and partially obscured... usually that would give it a sense of mystery, but in this case, because she is smiling, it feels more mischevious and playful.